活字印刷體驗文化工作坊 Movable Type Printing Cultural Workshop

Get hands-on with history! Join HKSYU Multicultural Facilitators for a Movable Type Printing Cultural Workshop and make cool cultural connections right on campus!

Movable type printing is one of the Four Great Inventions of ancient China. Immerse yourself in this fascinating craft and explore its rich history and techniques.

Workshop Highlights:

  • Learn the Techniques: Discover the intricate methods of word selection, ink application, and the printing process.
  • Hands-On Experience: Engage in the creative interaction between words and paper as you bring your ideas to life.
  • Unleash Your Creativity: Use traditional tools and materials to create your unique prints.


Movable Type Printing Cultural Workshop

Date: 31 Oct 2024 (Thu)

Time: 11:30-13:30

Venue: H302 Residential & Amenities Complex

Quota: 25

Fee: Free (a deposit of $100 is required, which will be refunded after completing the activity) 

Registration: Click here (Please pay the deposit at Room H401, Residential & Amenities Complex within 3 working days after registration)

Remarks: Workshop will be conducted in English & Mandarin, supplemented with Cantonese

HKSYU Multicultural Facilitators 將舉辦活字印刷體驗文化工作坊,去促進校內的跨文化交流。








時間:11:30 – 13:30

地點:宿舍文康大樓 H302室

名額:25人 (額滿即止)


報名:按此 (請於報名後3個工作天內到宿舍文康大樓H401室繳交按金)

備註: 工作坊將以英語及普通話進行,輔以廣東話解說。

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