Introduction of Sunshine Lutheran Centre
Sunshine Lutheran Centre is one of the dedicated counseling and treatment centre for problem and pathological gamblers funded by the Ping Wo Fund of the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau. The aim of our service is to rebuild a bright and healthy life for those individuals and families affected by disordered gambling.
2025年3月31日 OSA和路德會青亮中心將會合作為同學舉辦一場特別體驗,體驗項目包括桌上遊戲及微電影分享。本場活動為同學準備一套有關賭博的策略型桌遊,旨在讓同學一嘗進入賭場嘅樂趣,同時間對賭場的套路更有警惕。完成活動的同學可免費領取一套全新桌遊。
日期: 2025年3月31日
時間: 3:30pm – 5:30pm
地點: RLG405, 研究院綜合大樓
Calling all board game lovers and movie lovers!
We are happy to have a collaboration with Sunshine Lutheran Center holding a board game and movie special event in March. This special event aims to provide you a chance knowing more about gambling as well as the pitfalls of gambling through gaming experiences. A set of free board game will be given to students who completed the activity. There will be movie show and sharing by one of our service users. There will be a live performance of the theme song as well.
Event Details:
Date: 31 March 2025
Time: 3:30pm – 5:30pm
Venue: RLG405, Research Complex
If you are a board game/movie fan or interested in knowing more addiction social services, this special event is waiting for you! Sign up for the event HERE by 26/3/2025.