成長的過程充滿困惑與煩惱,我們常在「合群」與「做自己」之間躊躇不定。 學生事務處輔導組將舉辦 「擁抱自己,勇敢創作 : 梁嘉茵博士(Serrini)分享會」,梁嘉茵博士(Serrini)將與我們分享她如何學會擁抱真我,以及她懷著真誠踏上創作旅程的經歷,在不同的生活階段保持心理健康並愛自己。
Office of Student Affairs presents “Be yourself in your creative concept—Sharing by Dr. Leung Ka Yan (Serrini).” Dr. Leung Ka Yan (Serrini) will share her journey in balancing authenticity with social norms and the significance of conveying her thoughts through her lyrics. Hence, to maintain mental wellness and love yourself in different life stages.
Date 日期 : 6 March 2025 (Thu) 2025年3 月6 日(星期四)
Time時間: 18:00-19:30 (Entry starts at 17:30, no reserved seating. 17:30開始入場,不設劃位)
Venue地點: RLB303
Participants對象: All students and staff (priority will be given to students) 樹仁所有學生及職員(學生優先)
Quota名額 : 120 (First-come-first-served 額滿即止)
Fee費用 : Free 全免
Register報名:Here 按此
- 活動將以廣東話進行
- 學生必須出示學生證出席活動
- 職員必須出示職員證出席活動
- 此活動為「李達三校董全人發展卓越獎」的認可項目之一 (情緒管理工作坊)。
- The activity will be conducted in Cantonese.
- Students must show their valid HKSYU student card for entry.
- Staff must show their staff card for entry.
- The activity is recognized as one of the accredited programmes for the “Dr. Li Dak Sum Outstanding Whole Person Development Awards” (Emotional and Stress Management Workshop).