「幸福手作研習所 」致力匯聚藝術手作愛好者,互相交流學習,分享創作的幸福,現正招募藝術手作達人 、藝術手作達人實習生 及活動助理 。
藝術手作達人 (Student Artists)
- 如果你有一技之長,樂於分享藝術或手作技巧,不如嚟試下帶工作坊啦! (例如:蠟燭、滴膠、皮革、勾織、書法、花藝、刺繡、飾物……)
- 即使冇特別技能,但你又有啲既簡單又得意嘅藝術手作活動想同同學一齊玩(自己試過/網上見到),都一樣歡迎。
藝術手作達人實習生 (Artist Trainees)
- 未懂任何藝術技能,期望有人教,學識一種簡單手作,然後你(就膽粗粗)去教其他人。
活動助理 (Activity Assistants)
“Wellness Arts Academy”is a platform to gather art and craft enthusiasts, exchange ideas and learn from each other, and share the joy of creativity.
We would like to recruit Student Artists, Artist Trainees and Activity Assistants to organize a series of workshops and art booth activities for participants to experience wellness through simple art and craft.
Student Artists
Whether you are an artist skilled in painting, calligraphy, crochet, or any other art form, we welcome you to share your passion and showcase your talents. Gain valuable teaching experience while positively impacting the community.
Artist Trainees
Even if you don’t have any art or handicraft skills, you are eager to learn something simple and are interested in trying your hand at hosting a workshop.
Activity Assistants
If you’re interested in event planning and management, join us as Activity Assistants! You’ll learn by doing, meet new people, enhance your communication and teamwork skills.
Application deadline: 6 Feb