Job Posting

Job Portal serves as a centralized platform for employers to advertise their job openings to our students. All our undergraduate and first-year graduate students can login and browse the approved job posts. Please click the button below to login or create an employer account.

Information from Labour Department:

Recruitment Talk

We offer assistance to employers in arranging recruitment talks on HKSYU campus. It is an effective channel if you are planning to recruit our students for a series of positions.

To apply, please submit the request form below for our review:

Request should be submitted by end of July. Application result would be released by September.

Request should be submitted by early December. Application result would be released by January.

Career Fair

Career Fair is held annually on HKSYU campus, usually in February or March. It provides a platform for employers to know our students and conduct recruitment activities. To apply, please submit the request form to us. Our team will review all applications and invite suitable companies/organizations to participate.

Request should be submitted by the end of November. Application result would be released by January.

Provision of Career Support (HKSYU Alumni)

Your contribution is highly valued to the future development of Shue Yan Family!

Please tell us your interest in offering help to current HKSYU students by completing this registration form. We will contact you to discuss the details.

To apply, please submit the request form below for our review.