- 日本太鼓文化
- 太鼓基本姿勢
- 基礎節奏練習
- 身體協調練習
Course Outline
- Japanese Taiko Culture
- Basic Taiko Posture
- Basic Rhythm Practice
- Body Coordination Practice
- 課堂資料 (Details)
- 費用及報名 (Fees & Registration)
- 課程條款 (Terms & Conditions)
日期 | 時間 | 地點 | 名額 | 導師 |
19/2, 26/2, 5/3, 12/3 (逢星期三, 共4堂) | 17:00 – 18:00 (1小時) | 柴灣小西灣新業街七號協興大廈4樓A室 | 20 | 激鼓樂社 |
Date | Time | Venue | Quota | Tutor |
19/2, 26/2, 5/3, 12/3 (every Wednesday, 4 lessons) | 17:00 – 18:00 (1 hr) | Unit A, 4/F, Unison Building, 7 Sun Yip Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong | 20 | Gekko Taiko Centre |
按”Enroll Now” 進入報名連結報名, 並使用以下方式付款:
1) 「八達通應用程式」或
2) 於06/01/2025 – 17/01/2025期間親臨學生事務處繳費
學費 | 付款方式 | 報名日期 |
$250 | Payment with Octopus or cash | 20/12/2024-17/01/2025 |
Click “Enroll Now” button to enroll and made payment by:
1) The “Octopus App” or
2) Paid in Person: Visit OSA (Rm 402, 4/F, Residential & Amenities Complex) in person and pay the course fees by cash or Octopus card between 6-17/01/2025
If payment is not made by the deadline, your registration will be canceled.
Course Fee | Payment | Enrollment Period |
$250 | Payment with Octopus or cash | 20/12/2024-17/01/2025 |
- 如報名人數不足,課堂將會取消,校方將於截止報名後一個月內退回報名費。
- 八號或以上熱帶氣旋警告訊號或黑色暴雨警告於中午十二時或以後仍然生效,課堂將會取消。
- 因天氣或導師請假導致課堂取消,將優先安排補課,否則,會於課程結束後一個月內,按比例退回學費。
- 除以上原因,一切已繳費用概不發還。
- 校方有權拍攝或錄影學員上課情況以作日後宣傳及記錄之用。
- 如有任何查詢,請致電 2806 7313 與學生事務處職員聯絡。
Terms & Conditions
- If insufficient participants enroll in the course, the course will be canceled. Cancellation of course will be announced through email, course fee will be fully refunded within one month after the announcement.
All courses will be suspended if a Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above is hoisted or a Black Rainstorm Warning is issued by the Hong Kong Observatory on/after 12:00 noon.
Lessons will be made up when necessary if teacher absences or bad weather cause lessons to be suspended. In the absence of this, the course fee will be refunded pro-rata within one month of the course’s completion.
Except in the above circumstances, fees paid are not refundable.
The University assumes the right to take photos during classes and will use such photos for course promotion without prior consent from the persons in it.
For any inquiries, please get in touch with the Office of Student Affairs at 2806 7313.